Process Management
- Identify & map your processes
- Define tasks & responsibilities
- Centralise your documents & knowledge
Reduction of time spent on formalising reports
Reduction of time spent on defining responsibilities
Reduction of the time spent on business management
A new vision of company management
Definition of process maturity & identification of priorities
Centralization of documents & knowledge saving
Optimised management of resources and clear definition of responsibilities
Intuitive dashboards providing an accurate & detailed view of processes

VIGIL supports you in your process management!
- Structure your activities by detailing all your organisation's processes in a single tool
- Formalise your processes through tailored cartography
- Define responsibilities within your organisation
- Determine the areas for improvement by assigning a maturity level to each process
- Attach documentation to your processes in order to prevent any loss of knowledge within your organisation
- Get an accurate and detailed view of your organisation at all times
- Download all your data in a single report

An additional value for your organisation !
Map your processes in a unique tool
Centralize the documentation of all processes
Define the maturity of each process
Obtain an accurate and detailed view of your processes at any moment