Process Management

Reduction of time spent on formalising reports
0 %
Reduction of time spent on defining responsibilities
0 %
Reduction of the time spent on business management
0 %

A new vision of company management

Definition of process maturity & identification of priorities

Centralization of documents & knowledge saving

Optimised management of resources and clear definition of responsibilities

Intuitive dashboards providing an accurate & detailed view of processes

gestion des processus

VIGIL supports you in your process management!

gestion des Processus Ecran

An additional value for your organisation !

Map your processes in a unique tool

Centralize the documentation of all processes

Define the maturity of each process

Obtain an accurate and detailed view of your processes at any moment

Contact us

Would you like to receive more information about our solution or would you like to schedule a demonstration ?

Contact us via the attached form or by using the following contact details.


11, rue des trois Cantons L-8399 Windhof Luxemburg



+352 26 30 89 35


+352 661 777 987

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