Task management

Reduced time to plan tasks & controls
0 %
Reduced time to detect anomalies
0 %
Less time spent on formalizing reports
0 x

Centralise, organise and schedule your tasks

Rapid identification of anomalies and implementation of action plans

Centralization of control results and documentation

Reporting to ensure traceability of tasks and controls

Reduction of time spent on planning tasks and controls

CSA gestion des tâches

VIGIL optimises your task & control management

CSA Ecran gestion des tâches

An added value for your task management!

Take advantage of the guidance provided by experts

Document your action plans

Take your task management to the next level

Get customised reports

Contact us

Would you like to receive more information about our solution or would you like to schedule a demonstration ?

Contact us via the attached form or by using the following contact details.


11, rue des trois Cantons L-8399 Windhof Luxemburg




+352 26 30 89 35


+352 661 777 987

Contact Form

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